Increase Customer and Company Success with Self-Service

When on your website or your software, intelligent Customer Self-Service solutions guides your customers step-by-step to resolving their issues. Online self-service delivers precisely what users need – simply and quickly on any device. You’ll enjoy satisfied customers, increased brand loyalty and less churn.

Your customers want their questions answered, 24/7 and in their channel of choice. They prefer to look for solution themselves instead of calling customer service. Usually customers search for information online, but conventional FAQs on website are static, often outdated, and not tailored to the user’s immediate context. That means finding an answer involves too much searching when users prefer a direct option.

Self-Service for more efficiency in customer service

For your company

  • Reduces your customer service’s workload thanks to fewer calls

  • Reduces customer service and support costs

  • Reduces common calls and tickets

  • Enhance customer retention and loyalty with improved interactions

For customers

  • Dynamically delivers relevant information based on context

  • Faster results with intelligent search

  • Improved customer experience via easy UI

  • Ensures high quality and consistent service levels

  • Available 24/7

Reach your goals with main Self-Service features:

Multimedia content

Easily integrate different content formats – whether text, image, or video.

Chat feature

Include a chat tool for customers to quickly and easily ask questions if they can’t find a suitable solution

Corporate branding

Customize the look and feel to match your corporate design and branding guidelines


Easily integrates into existing systems as a SaaS or on-premises solution

Knowledge management solution users

Žinių valdymo sprendimo naudotojai - Kauno miesto savivaldybė
Žinių valdymo sprendimo naudotojai - Vokietijos federalinis teisingumo biuras
Žinių valdymo sprendimo naudotojai - Kelno miestas
Žinių valdymo sprendimo naudotojai - Vokietijos federalinės vidaus reikalų ministerijos viešųjų pirkimų tarnyba
Žinių valdymo sprendimo naudotojai - Nestle
Žinių valdymo sprendimo naudotojai - Volkswagen
Žinių valdymo sprendimo naudotojai - Orlen

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+370 5 2351320